As we say in Arabic: رُب ضرّةُ نافعة or something that may seem harmful can turn out to be actually beneficial!
I'll start the story from the beginning .. (in short as usual ;)

It all started like 5 month ago when David Harowitz (remember that name Well) decided to organize an "awareness week" to point at the "threat" that Islamo-Fascism has on the American people ... Now this notorious week is planned, organized, and already campaigned media wise. It will take place on Oct. 22 covering more than 140 of the top US universities; also hosting some REALLY notorious (from a Muslim point-of-view) guest speakers - one name would be Daniel Pipes.
OK, let's take it logical .. the Islamo-Fascism week would be perfectly achieving its goals if it had enough influence upon academia and students in those over 140 US influential top uni., correct? I mean if it was leaked outside it would be tracking criticism (as it is now) than support, which would surely ruin the whole campaign's objective.
A detailed guide of how to participate and take action in favor of such week was detailed on the campaign's website .... Clock was ticking and everything seemed as great as it is planned to be.
Now, Adam Kokesh (another name to remember) and six other friends of George Wash

I would say that Adam is honest about his intentions, I know him personally i mean. We met somewhere in California 2 years ago and chatted for sometime.
Adam's team saw such Islamo-Fascism campaign - of David Horowitz - as racial, defamatory, and discriminatorily against Muslims and Islam .. So the team did what Horowitz wasn't ready for, he publicized the campaign in the "proper" way it should be .. hehe
Adam & the six others went to their home university of GW and went all around campus postering an Anti-Islamo-Fascism campaign poster.
Provocative, instigative as it is, the poster stated: "HATE MUSLIMS? SO DO WE!!!"
Adam saw that a media hype about the campaign would draw its failure .. & it is working!
The poster is dragging a mounting media debate about the upcoming event ..Muslim organizations are currently putting more efforts to counter the event.
However, Adam's poster was misunderstood to be advertising for the Islamo-Fascism Awareness Week ... maybe now the story is becoming more clear to media after Adam's team letter to their university that clarified their intentions.
"Brought to you by Students for Conservativo-Fascism Awareness
PS Seriously, do a google video search for 'The Power of Nightmares'"
Actually, Adam in this poster is trying to be sarcastic of the event, and by pointing at the "Power of Nightmares" video one would get deeper understanding of some of Horowitz' real intentions behind the campaign.
Now, that poster not being the real advertising poster for the campaign, then which one is .. ! Here comes the sarcasm. Horowitz' campaign is using a poster taken out of a Dutch film !! reported, "the campaign's main poster was said to show a Muslim teenage girl being buried before being stoned to death. It later proved to have been from a 1994 Dutch film."

..... Stay Tuned
I have noticed that no Mohammedians (Muslims if you must) have mentioned which 1944 Dutch movie. Which movie is it? Do you know? Do you just want to hate those people who know your religion is a Arab knock off of Judaism. Despite what you have been told, Mohammed (may the world know he lied) and his religion are a fabrication. This fabrication is only successful because is uses many parts of the Torah. The only reason why there are so many Mohammedians compared to Jews is that Judaism strongly discourages conversion. I had the courage to call Christianity (in which I was raised) a lie. Are you smart enough to do the same with Islam? Good luck in your life.
قال بعض أهل العلم في تفسير قوله تعالى: "فلا تموتن إلا وأنتم مسلمون" ليس المعنى أن انتظروا الموت حتى إذا جاءكم كنتم حينئذ مسلمون، بل المعنى: كونوا مسلمين في جميع مجالات حياتكم حتى إذا فاجأكم الموت كنتم على أي وضعٍ أنتم عليه مسلمون
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